Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Nature Yoga at Lyman Woods

Explore. Balance. Breathe.

Connect to your inner calm, tune in with your natural rhythms, and cultivate a deeper awareness of your body, breath, and mind this autumn.  Beginning September 7th, Lyman Woods is offering sunrise yoga in the natural world with Yoga Instructor Colleen Taylor.
Outdoor classes add a different dimension to one's practice and pare yoga down to its original link with nature. Yoga means 'union,' and when it's practiced outdoors it seems like the union with nature, humanity, and the universe is truly felt.  When we practice yoga mindfully, we begin to experience this greater awareness, a presence, a connection to our true nature.

Many aspects of yoga are about being in the moment and at one with nature or the universe. That's why so many postures reflect animals and nature. "By putting your body into the shape of a tree or a stretching cat, by exploring the graceful wingspan of a bird or the fluidity of the Sun Salute, by breathing with the same cyclical sense as the tides or with an ocean sound, you evoke a sense of harmony, timelessness, and connection to the universe," says yoga teacher, Jane Jarecki.

In each class, students will explore a holistic approach to understanding the mind-body connection. We will integrate an energizing and balanced blend of physical postures, breath control, meditation, and relaxation. Start your day feeling rejuvenated and alive!
Our monthly sunrise yoga classes are accessible to all adults—any type and level.  Nature yoga is inclusive and non-competitive which allows you to focus on your own growth wherever that might be.  Variations for postures are provided where needed, to ensure all students experience the many benefits and transformative qualities of their practice – and feel these qualities flow into their daily lives.

Sunrise classes will be offered monthly this fall and begin Saturday, September 7th, 7:15-8:15 am. Dress comfortably and bring a mat if you have one, borrow one of ours if you don’t. Click here to reserve your spot today.

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