Monday, March 11, 2013

Idle Time

An easy and immediate way to decrease your vehicle’s emissions and increase fuel efficiency is to stop idling!

  • Modern vehicles do not need to idle to warm up, even in cold weather. In fact, idling damages your car as well as the environment!

  • Idling occurs most often around the most vulnerable. Children are most affected by the toxins and pollutants produced by idling cars. Parents idling while they wait to pick up their kids are unknowingly filling the parking lot with toxic pollution linked with asthma and lung damage.

  • Idling your car for just 10 seconds uses more gas than turning it off and restarting. And restarting the car has little impact on the car, while idling can lead to damaged engine components.

  • Idling your car for 10 minutes a day wastes 27 gallons of fuel a year! That’s enough to travel 650 miles in an average American car!

Did you know? The Lyman Woods parking lot and bus parking is a no-idle zone!

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