Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Spring is in Full Bloom!

The wildflowers are blooming and the birds are singing! Here's a sample of what's happening at Lyman Woods:

In Bloom:
  • Trout Lily
  • Bluebells
  • Spring Beauty
  • Trillium
  • Toothwort
  • Bloodroot

Wildlife Sighted:
  • Bluebirds
  • Scarlet tanagers
  • Sedge Wrens
  • Yellow Warblers
  • Black and White Warblers
  • Orioles
  • Grosbeaks
  • Vireos
  • Nashville Warblers
  • Yellow-rumped Warblers
  • Hairy, Downy and Red-bellied Woodpeckers
  • Six-spotted Tiger Beetles
  • Brown and Garter Snakes
  • Wood Ducks
  • Beavers
If you haven't visited recently, you may be surprised at the flooded trail in the wetland. Beavers took advantage of the recent flood and built an impressive dam. Its worth the walk to take a peak! You can see the dam by hiking the west side of the wetland loop trail.

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