Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Buzz on Summer Camp

Summer has flown by, and its hard to believe we only have a few weeks left of summer camp.

We've had a blast exploring the trails, playing in the Wild Woods, making piñatas, creating a nature movie, sampling wild foods, practicing archery, cooking around the campfire and so much more (even eating bugs...on purpose!!).

The "I Ate a Bug" Club!
Camp continues this week with Deep Down Underground, Spineless Wonders and Junior Beekeepers. The beekeepers have been busy inspecting the hives, making solar wax melters and harvesting honey!

Naturalist (and beekeeper) Marge Trocki leads the group, even on crutches!


Intern Sarah Wilcer shows us how it's done!

Don't forget the Trailblazers overnight is next Thursday! There are only 3 spots remaining! Our last week of camp begins August 5, and we still have some spaces open for Garden Patch Kids (4-5 years) and Bugs Rock (6-8 years). Click here for more information.

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