Thursday, August 22, 2013

Big Blue & Blazing Star

Wow! What an amazing summer at Belmont Prairie! The Prairie continues to look stunning, now with big bluestem, gentian, prairie dock and blazing star as the main attractions.

Look down! Gentians abound low to the ground.

Look for the purple blazing star and the yellow
sunflowers, coneflowers and goldenrod.

Autumn colors of gold and purple are replacing the bright colors of summer, and the sumac and Virginia creeper will soon turn a brilliant shade of crimson. 

Check out the hazelnuts near the parking lot.
The squirrels are awaiting this year's crop!

And we know for sure that autumn is near because the hazelnuts and oaks are producing nuts and acorns.

Take a moment to stop by the Prairie to enjoy the beauty of the transition to autumn!

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